Instead of writing down every single detail about our lessons at school, I'd rather just update in general - related to our studies, of course.
Last week we actually had a lecture break, which meant that our team didn't meet or do school tasks at all. It was nice to have a little break once in a while - at least for me it boosts motivation and gives some time to rest between going to school, working and becoming a personal trainer at the same time.
Anyways, lately, we've had a lot of companies presenting themselves to us in class. We've had guest speakers talking about their companies/the companies they work for and their own journey in business life. The lectures have been very interesting and inspiring - at least some of them have really made me think and have really inspired me.

3 weeks ago (can't believe it has really been that long since I've updated, I'm truly so very sorry about that!!!) we had a week full of guest speakers. On Monday there were atleast four different people from different companies presenting themselves and their companies to us and on Thursday we had a couple guest speakers more. Actually one of the guest speakers was very unforgettable and sticked to my mind specifically - his name is Jyri Rasinmäki (pictured above) and he works for Vapamedia, a company that focuses on digital communication, social media and content marketing. Jyri talked to us about problem solving and about how it would be important to remember to "think outside the box". Actually, a couple of his propositions sticked to my mind specifically that I would also like to share here:
1) "When you are trying to solve a problem or creating a whole new solution for it, don't automatically go through the door that says "the solution" - instead, go through the door that is blank. By doing that, the process will probably not be as easy as it would if you went through "the solution door", but it will most likely develop something better and something more creative.
2) "You just need to find your own way to think. And keep on thinking."

Also, here are some pictures of some of the other lectures we had, that were held by various people from companies like Urakkamaailma, Seniori365, Taivas + Helvetti.

After that week - a week before the lecture break - was the "Network to get work" event at Laurea Leppävaara campus on Thursday (October 8th). There were a lot of different companies presenting themselves and promoting available jobs, trainee positions etc. In addition to that, the students had an opportunity to take part in various lectures that were related to our studies - there were lectures about entrepreneurship, business, marketing... Almost anything you could think of. Inspirational stories and useful strategies related to our studies.

That same week our class did have a lecture on Monday, but I didn't make it to school that day. Although, my friends told me that one of our mentor students - Faysal - had given an interesting lecture that day, in which he showed pictures that he had taken and talked about photographing. I wish I could've been there.
Anyways, that's what up right now. I will update about this week soon enough - there's not gonna be another 3 week break here in the future. Again, sorry about that.
Until the next time,
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