But despite this little personality description above, I'm not underestimating the need of knowing even a little about law. When it comes to business and especially marketing, it's urgent to know what you can and what you cannot do. That's why it was super nice that last week we had Marjaana (one of the teacher's in our school) teaching us a little more about law. We had tasks related to social media law issues and marketing issues, that each team completed in a group and returned to Marjaana on Thursday. The tasks weren't the easiest ones, but we completed them quite well I think - we used the "Markkinointijuridiikka" book as a little help, since the tasks required it.
The week was different and maybe a little more boring to me than the weeks before, but also very necessary. I think it's nice that we have different divisions during this course and not only lectures about digital marketing or such.
According to Ilkka, this week is going to be very interesting and we are apparently going to have phenomenal speakers visiting us in the class so I'm looking forward to it.

And yes, that's me doing yoga - totally non-related to this blog post, but I unfortunately didn't take any pictures at school this week. Instead, I did a lot of yoga. So I decided to post this pic just so that this post would have a picture in it. Hah.
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