The second last week of the course was the week for both the exam and some lectures, as usual. On Monday we had a few guest speakers: Mika Aittamäki and Niklas Litmala from Rainmaker, who told us about sales and marketing on a deeper level. Why is being good at selling products so important? Why are salesmen needed?
As Mika Aittamäki said: Digital selling satisfies desires but doesn't fulfill needs. That's where the people come to the picture - they fulfill the customer's needs. Another sentence that I caught from Mika's lecture was that "Things that are relevant in your own world, make you buy what you buy".
After Mika's lecture, Niklas talked to us a little bit about Leijona-Akatemia, in which we could also sign up for during the lecture if we were interested. Leijona-Akatemia is meant for students that are interested or passionate about sales. It's a new way to offer coaching and career opportunities that promises students some extra training and a job. I put my name on the email -list that Niklas gave us and got some information about Leijona-Akatemia to my email. I think these kind of opportunities and chances are very useful, even though I wouldn't need to use the service now, but to know about its existence.

After that our dear Ilkka had a little something to say and held another lecture after a short break. What he talked about was some of his own philosophies. He brought up Aristoteles and his famous rhetoric theory about logos, pathos and ethos. These three forms of essential qualities that your speech or presentation must have so that the audience will accept your message. Logos symbolizes sense, pathos symbolizes emotions and ethos symbolizes credibility.
Ilkka also talked about his way of "giving thanks" by writing a gratitude diary, in which he writes down everything that he is thankful for every night before bed time. He also reminded us to always respect, help and start a conversation with new people that we meet.
I always get so inspired by Ilkka's stories and lectures and it is so great to have a teacher like that. I've never actually got any inspiration out of school but this fall it has only been getting inspired day after day at the school lectures. Here is a great life advice by Ilkka:

On Thursday we had the exam (which I actually haven't done yet!!), so we didn't have school.
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